Molinos of Ciudadeja and Chorreras


This attractive trail is a combination of Los Molinos del Ciudadeja and the Las Chorreras Geo-Route. The route is 18.2 kilometres long, well-defined on the terrain, with some steep but bearable slopes, through one of the most unspoilt areas of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park.



Descripción de la ruta

This route, in addition to the diversity of the surrounding landscape, highlights the geological richness of the area. The main objective of this route is to reach Las Chorreras, an area where the underground water from a powerful spring that supplies Las Navas emerges, with a limestone terrain that has provided some cavities where the water is stored. Starting on the Tunnel Path, reaching the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Belén, passing through the different mills along the Ribera del Ciudadeja, until reaching the La Molineta intake and ending on the Tunnel Path.

Wooden beacons, painted markings, posts with directional trays and training panels have been used for signposting, respecting the natural environment and the harmony of the landscape at all times.



The route starts from the Plaza de España, where you walk in the direction of the road to San Nicolás del Puerto, taking the path that goes off to the left after about 200 metres along this road.

After 3 kilometres through pastureland, the path joins the tunnel path, one of the most attractive sections of the route. It gets its name from the layout of the vegetation, which forms a green tunnel of strawberry trees, mastic trees, “durillos”, “alaternos” and other species characteristic of the Mediterranean forest.


After following the tunnel path, we reach the Ciudadeja riverbank, and continue to the right along the path to the hermitage of the Virgen de Belén.

After reaching the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Belén, the path continues upstream, with typical landscapes of the area, as well as the cultural attraction of one of the old hydraulic mills, called Molino de los Frailes, we will follow the course of the river until we reach Las Chorreras. We will have to cross the riverbank to enjoy the marvellous scenery.




After following the tunnel path, we reach the banks of the river Ciudadeja, and continue to the right along the path to the hermitage of the Virgen de Belén.

After reaching the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Belén, the path continues upstream, with typical landscapes of the area, as well as the cultural attraction of one of the old hydraulic mills, called Molino de los Frailes, we will follow the course of the river until we reach Las Chorreras. We will have to cross the river bank to enjoy the wonderful scenery.