Use of cookies

In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce LSSICE and its amendments of Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March, which affect the use of cookies and commercial mailings by email, and in compliance with European Directive 2009/136/EC, we inform you that the website will place cookies on your computer to help improve navigation on its website and obtain statistical data.

This website uses cookies to improve the user experience, making it easier to browse our website. We are making every effort to facilitate the use of these cookies, as well as their management and control when using our services.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the Internet user’s device when visiting a website. It is the website operator who determines what type of information the cookie contains and what its purpose is, and it can be used by the web server each time you visit the website. Cookies are used to save time and make the web browsing experience much more efficient. However, they can be used for a number of different purposes ranging from remembering your login information or what is contained in your purchase order.

There are a lot of guides out there explaining what cookies are, and what they are used for. For our part, we’ll explain how these cookies affect this council’s website, but if you need more information about them, take a look at these pages:


How does the website use cookies?

We will only use cookies that you allow us to use. You can control your cookies through your browser. You can find more information about this below. We have used some of the existing guidance to classify the cookies we use into various groups:

  1. Functional Cookies
  2. Marketing Cookies

Below you will find more information about each of these types of cookies.

1. Functional Cookies

Our purpose with these cookies is none other than to improve the user experience. You may refuse the use of these cookies at any time. This website uses cookies to remember certain settings or to provide certain services or messages that may enhance your experience on our site.

These cookies will allow:

  • Remember your customer login details when you return to the site

These cookies will not collect any information about you that can be used for advertising purposes, or information about your preferences (such as your user data) beyond that particular visit.

2. Marketing Cookies

These cookies are managed by third parties, so you can use their tools to restrict the use of these cookies. Some of the cookies are used to link to other websites that provide certain services to this one, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google. Some of these cookies will modify the advertisements of other websites to adapt them to your preferences.

These cookies will allow:

  • Linking to social networks
  • Google Analytics statistics
    • utma: This cookie generates a unique user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records when they first and last visited the site. This cookie is persistent and can be considered to expire “never” (it takes 2 years to expire).
    • utmb and utmc: These 2 cookies are used to calculate when a session has ended. B records the time of arrival at the page while C checks whether to keep the session open or to create a new session. The utmb expires 30 minutes after the last page view record while the utmc is a session variable, so it is automatically deleted when you switch to another website or close the browser. When the page loads, if the utmc does not exist, it is considered to be a new session. If it still exists, the session is kept open. It is only possible to calculate the time on page until the penultimate page viewed, as the time is calculated by subtracting the value of the B on the current page from the value of the B on the previous page
    • utmz: The fourth cookie is responsible for recording the origin of the user, as well as the keywords. It has an expiry date of 6 months, although it is renewed each time the website is visited, as long as it is not a direct visit. In addition to accepting or rejecting the use of certain cookies through the website, you can also manage them by using your browser settings.

Here is a source of information on how to go about this process:

Tan solo leeremos o escribiremos cookies acerca de sus preferencias. Aquellas que hayan sido instaladas antes de modificar la configuración permanecerán en su ordenador y podrá borrarlas haciendo uso de las opciones de configuración de su navegador.