Rutas para disfrutar en Las Navas de la Concepción

Tipo de ruta: Walking MTB

Tour of the Loma

Es una de las rutas favoritas de los bikers de la localidad, conocida como la Vuelta  La Loma, bien podría llamarse ¨ruta entre ciervos¨, por la cantidad de estos y otros ungulados que se observan al correr de los kilómetros.

Geo Route the Chorreras

In this case it is a Geo-Route that highlights, in addition to the diversity of the surrounding landscape, the geological richness of the area. It is presented as an attractive route through the geological landscapes near Las Navas.

The Molinos of Ciudadeja MTB

This is a circular path with a distance of 10.3 kilometres (16.5 km with its two branches), through one of the most unspoilt areas of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park. The route has been approved by the Andalusian Mountaineering Federation, with the number PR-A 412, and has been signposted using wooden beacons, painted markings, posts with directional trays and information panels, respecting the natural environment and the harmony of the landscape at all times.

Round-circular Sierra Norte – Vega

Sierra Norte – Vega is an attractive circular route with a distance of 240 kilometres, divided into 10 stages. The route can be completed in its entirety by bicycle, although it can be enjoyed not only by cyclists, but also on foot and on horseback.