Tour of the Loma


Es una de las rutas favoritas de los bikers de la localidad, conocida como la Vuelta  La Loma, bien podría llamarse ¨ruta entre ciervos¨, por la cantidad de estos y otros ungulados que se observan al correr de los kilómetros.



Descripción de la ruta

It is one of the favourite routes of the local bikers, known as the Vuelta La Loma, it could well be called ¨route among deer¨, due to the number of these and other ungulates that can be seen as the kilometres go by.
It is a circular route which offers all the attractions of the landscape of pastureland and Mediterranean woodland along the livestock trails between the Sierra Norte de Sevilla and Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Parks.
The route is recommended at any time of the year, although it is particularly interesting at the beginning of autumn, coinciding with the rutting season of the deer.