Accessibility statement

Citizens have the right to access the information and services offered on the web without sensory, motor, cognitive or technological restrictions. The web content and services of public administrations must be especially sensitive to this right, eliminating or minimising all possible barriers to access.

The City Council’s portal has assumed this commitment since its inception, and to achieve this objective, we adhere to the guidelines defined by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) belonging to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). These guidelines have been adopted by the European Union and are the obligatory reference in Spain. This is of vital importance to favour access to web content for the maximum number of people and in the greatest possible number of situations.

This portal, therefore, has been designed so that the content can be easily converted into other formats to make it understandable and navigable. This means that both a person with some kind of disability and any other person in a circumstance that makes it difficult for them to access the information on a web page can access the contents successfully.

Other accessibility features include the ability for a user to change the size of the text as they see fit, and also to turn off the predefined layout of the website so that the content can be viewed more clearly. For non-visual navigation, it is also possible to use screen readers in a comprehensible and comfortable way.