The Molineta


This is an 8.5 kilometre route along which walkers can enjoy the riverside landscape and the cultural wealth offered by the flour mill of La Molineta.



Descripción de la ruta

This is an 8.5 kilometre route along which walkers can enjoy the riverside landscape and the cultural wealth offered by the flour mill of La Molineta.



The route starts at the Plaza de España, from where we will have to walk in the direction of the road to Constantina. When you reach the sports centre, take the path to the left and continue straight on along the track until you reach the crossroads, where you turn right.

Continue along the path until you reach a turning to the right, which will lead you to the Sendero del Tesoro (Treasure Trail), along which you will reach the Ciudadeja riverbank, where you will take the left bank upstream until you reach the Molineta.

Once past the Molineta mill, we go up towards the water intake of La Primitiva, which supplied water to the mill, and return to the Sendero del Tesoro, until we return to the village by the same route we took on the way out.